CEDAW Informe Alternativo sobre trabajadoras de maquila en Honduras 2016

Honduras is located in the center of Central America. According to the last population and housing census of the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) (National Institute of Statistics), in 2013 the total population of Honduras was 8.6 million, of which 51% are women and 49% are men. Unlike a decade ago, the greatest concentration of the population is now in urban areas, such as in the departments of Cortes (1,621,762), and Francisco Morazan (1,553,379), 1where the majority of maquiladora companies are present. Honduras has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and several ILO Conventions, including Convention No. 100 (equal remuneration), 111 (discrimination in employment and occupation), and 102 (Social Security: Part 8 Maternity Allowances but not for the benefit of the family). According to Art.16 of the Constitution, international law applies automatically after ratification.
Autor/a: Centro de Derechos de Mujeres
Categoría: Documentos | Maquila
Fecha de publicación: 28 diciembre, 2016